SEWOSY, unlocking the future of security

At SEWOSY, our ambition is not only to perfectly meet actual expectations but also to exceed them by projecting a future where our brand is synonymous with security, innovation and large-scale reliability. We will continue to innovate and strengthen our relationship with every customer whilst integrating digitalisation of our company to develop ever more efficient solutions, adapted to the needs of present and future generations.

Our values


Family spirit is the cornerstone of SEWOSY, where trust, assistance and mutual support are crucial to progress together.


We value equality and satisfaction for everyone, favouring proximity and sustainable relationships, which are key to the security and the trust that we cultivate with our partners and customers.


Our quest for excellence drives continuous innovation, whilst preserving the essence of our heritage, therefore guaranteeing top-grade and sustainable solutions.

Our commitments

Customised support

At SEWOSY, we make sure that every customer experience is adapted to their specific needs. Our customised approach guarantees an exceptional and distinct experience.

Economic viability

As a member of the BPI Excellence network, we reaffirm our commitment to maintain prudent and innovative management, which allows us to plan our growth and investments with confidence.

Sustainable development

We are committed to staying at the forefront of technology, by developing new solutions which incorporate eco-designed practices to minimise our environmental impact.

Security and reliability

We provide exceptional operational, financial and human security, therefore guaranteeing peace of mind to our clients. Our products and services offer security and sustainable performance, backed by the responsive support provided by our MaxForYou service.

Regional commitment

We are proud to contribute to our region’s reindustrialisation through the trademark ALSACE, awarded to some of our flagship products, and which guarantees short supply chains whilst supporting the local economy and enhancing our regional identity.

J3C Invest

SEWOSY, subsidiary of J3C Invest, Alsatian family holding company, is committed to connect skills and to innovate together, pooling regional expertise to strengthen our security offering.

Historically innovating

Firmly established in Alsace, we combine our family heritage with technological innovation, creating security solutions that strengthen our commitment towards quality and proximity with our customers, whilst honouring our roots. Because at SEWOSY, every solution is much more than that; it is an answer, a means to unlock the future of security. Your future.



The story of SEWOSY begins with Jacques Wolff, the founder, accompanied by his wife Chantal Wolff. Active in the fields of security, locking systems, access control, and fire safety for many years, they established SWS.

Photo créateur

SEWOSY® Germany and the Netherlands

The company expands its offerings by diversifying its range and services. SWS becomes SeWoSy and extends its reach in France. Entities are established in Germany and the Netherlands, contributing to export growth in Europe.


Relocation to Bernolsheim

Acquisition of a new site in Bernolsheim near Strasbourg. The growth and positioning of the SME will be strengthened in this more functional building.


Creation of Brands

SEWOSY® fully reveals its vocation as a manufacturer. Innovation and inventiveness are energized by several trademark registrations: ROUREG®, created in 2005, was the first.

Others followed: CPREG®, VELMAG®, easy install®, Watt’s AD°, OCO®, MAX FOR YOU®.

By characterizing key product ranges, these brands offer a strong and unique identity, easily recognizable.


Creation of the R&D Department

The integration of the R&D department consolidates its status as a locking system designer by generating value and providing innovative solutions.

The creation of new products, fostered by a culture of innovation, plays a central role in energizing and renewing the range of offerings, which continues to develop and diversify.


Creation of SEWOSY® Malaysia

The establishment of our own production unit in Selangor allows us to oversee and control the production chain according to our criteria and values, adapt our offerings, and innovate based on market needs with greater flexibility.


Prioritizing French Manufacturing

Our commitment to French expertise guides us toward this preference.

Production and assembly in France allow us to shorten lead times and supply chains, reduce the carbon footprint, and promote eco-friendly manufacturing.

The VELMAG® door-holding magnets, developed and assembled at our facilities, initiate this approach.


New Graphic Charter
The company’s visual identity was updated with a new graphic charter and a redesigned logo.

INPI Trophy
We received an INPI Trophy for innovation.

Digital Transformation
The digital transformation enhanced employee work comfort (ergonomics, organization, time-saving) and contributed to our eco-friendly approach by significantly reducing our consumption of paper and archival supplies.


Member of BPI Excellence
Marks the membership in the regional support program Bpifrance designed for SMEs with high growth potential and initiates its partnership with the network of entrepreneurs of Bpifrance Excellence.

Creation of the J3C Invest Holding
J3C Invest was created in December 2014. Its goal is to pool skills in order to distribute them among the various companies in the group.

President: Carine Rossdeutsch-Wolff – General Manager: Céline Rossdeutsch-Wolff (leader since 2020).


Creation of the Holding Company

J3C Invest was established in December 2014. Its purpose is to pool expertise to be distributed among the various companies in the group.

President: Carine Rossdeutsch-Wolff; Managing Director: Céline Rossdeutsch-Wolff (leader since 2020).


Acquisition of the Current Premises

The move to Haguenau is a significant milestone in the company’s timeline.

A spacious building and a large storage area provide a pleasant and motivating work environment, suited to our ambitions.

This new spatial organization (premises, warehouse) and logistics have enabled us to ship orders before 11 a.m.


Company Leadership

Jacques Wolff, the founding President of SEWOSY® and J3C Invest, passed away on October 20, 2019.

This great leader leaves the helm to his long-designated successor, Carine Rossdeutsch-Wolff.

She takes over the leadership of the companies, supported by Céline Rossdeutsch-Wolff, Julien Schoettel, and Jean-Philippe Schoettel, all of whom have been closely involved in the companies’ operations for several years.


The Future

“The best way to predict the future is to create it.” – Peter Drucker

The year 2020 marked the consolidation of nineteen years dedicated to security by giving new momentum to the family SME following significant structural changes, resulting from substantial investments in both material and human resources.


Our 20th Anniversary

An anniversary is the perfect time to celebrate our origins as well as our evolution.

On this occasion, we have created a B2B portal for you, launched this new website, and are developing a new general catalog with unique design and content.


New Visual Identity

With shades ranging from blue to violet and green, our new palette reflects our commitment to innovation, digitalization, and adaptability. It symbolizes our dynamism and future vision while highlighting the human story behind each product and project. Discover our reinvented universe, where colors and transparencies reveal human richness.


KEOLA® is out of the box!
In a world where technology evolves at breakneck speed, Sewosy, your trusted partner for over 20 years, is proud to present KEOLA®, our latest innovation that revolutionizes access management.